Here is what we know so far.
If you have questions or want to connect, reach out to us at questions@Intention.Photo.
Click the button below to sign up for updates.
When can I download Intention?
Honestly, we are just getting started. Expressing your interest will help us know that we are on the right track and will speed the development process.
Well, what can I do now?
We are looking for photographers and teachers to be early reviewers and help us develop a tool that works.
Sign up and let us know that you are interested and we will reach out. Or send us an email at questions@Intention.Photo and we will get back to you.
How much is all this going to cost me?
We are committed to a free version that will have enough functionality to improve your photo journey. Premium versions will unlock more functionality - you know the drill!
We envision that teachers will set their own subscription prices for their content. As we integrate with the courseware platforms, you won't have to pay twice for the same content!
I'm a teacher. How can I get involved?
We would love to talk! Send us an email and we will get right back to you! Or sign up in the interest form and we will reach out to you.
What instructional course platforms do you support?
Which one do you use? We are looking at Teachable, SkillShare and SquareSpace Courses but would love to partner with others as well.
Will you support iOS and Android?
Eventually, we will! And we will have a web version that you can use at your desktop to record your editting insights.